SSC Resources for Faculty

The Student Success Center offers a variety of resources that faculty can utilize in their efforts to support students. This site provides a brief description of these resources, along with contact information and links to further information.

Student Success Center

Phillips Memorial Library, 2nd Floor
(401) 865-2495

Academic Mentoring Referrals

Whether students are having difficulty in a class or doing well but aiming to achieve their very best, faculty may refer them to the SSC for academic skill development and mentoring. Through an approach that is highly individualized, SSC staff members help students build upon their strengths and develop strategies to address personal challenges. To make a direct referral, please call 401.865.2494 or contact

Beyond the SSC, the College offers an intricate network of support for students who may experience academic difficulty or personal distress. For more information, please visit the College’s referral resource page for faculty.

Customized Skill Workshops

Members of the SSC staff are available to build customized skill workshops for your courses. These workshops may be delivered either during or outside of class time. Topics may include, but are not limited to, time management, general study skills, and sessions that are tailored to specific writing assignments.  Requests for workshops should be submitted to at least two weeks in advance to ensure adequate time for consultation and preparation.

Informational Sessions

Members of the SSC staff are available to visit classes and provide an overview of our services. Faculty members may also elect to schedule a 10-15 minute tour of the SSC for their students. In addition to learning about our programs, students will see first-hand where they can go for academic assistance. If you are interested in scheduling a class visit or a tour, please email your request to Requests for informational sessions should be submitted at least two weeks in advance to ensure adequate time for preparation.

Proctoring for Make-Up Exams

Students who miss exams for “serious and verifiable” reasons, as defined by College policy, may be eligible to make up those exams in the SSC. These students must first make every reasonable effort to coordinate makeups with professors. If a mutually convenient time cannot be arranged, and if the professor’s policy allows, students may request a make-up time in the SSC. Please see our make-up exam request form for further details.

Providing Academic Accommodations

Students who require academic accommodations for documented disabilities must register with the Student Success Center (SSC). If a student has requested accommodations for your class, you will receive a formal letter of notification from our office. If you have any questions about accommodating or providing support for students with disabilities, please call 401.865.2494 or contact Additional information regarding your role in providing support for students with disabilities can be found in our FAQs for Faculty.

Supporting Student-Athletes

The SSC provides ongoing support for our intercollegiate student-athletes. Support includes the distribution of progress reports to the faculty approximately four weeks into each semester. We kindly ask that you fill out these reports and return them to our office. If you ever need to consult with our office about a particular student-athlete, please call 401.865.2494 or contact

Writing Center Resources for Faculty

In addition to peer tutoring services for students, the Writing Center offers a variety of programs to support faculty in their teaching of writing, as well as in their own scholarly pursuits.  Descriptions of these programs can be found on our Writing Center Resources for Faculty page.