Campus Referral Resources

Providence College has several mechanisms in place to support faculty and staff whose students may experience varying levels of academic or personal distress. While there may some overlap in these support systems, it is useful to think of them as existing along a continuum or hierarchy.

Tier 1: Academic Difficulties

The College has developed an Academic Referral Form for faculty and staff to report any academic concerns that they might have about students, particularly during the first four to five weeks of the semester. The goal of this system is to identify students who are encountering academic difficulty — and to determine appropriate interventions — before these students find themselves in danger of failing at mid-semester. However, the form may be used at any point during the semester. Please note that this system is reserved for academic issues which do not rise to the level of more acute behavioral or mental health concerns.

To access the Academic Referral form, click the button below. Your report will automatically be routed to the Student Success Center. A member of the SSC staff will contact you to discuss the situation before reaching out to the student directly.

Academic Referral Form

Tier 2: Emotional or Behavioral Difficulties

If you have more serious concerns about a student — that is, if your concerns go beyond the student’s academic performance alone — you should consider making a referral to the College’s C.A.R.E Team. C.A.R.E. is an interdepartmental intervention group that provides support to students with life stressors and emotional, behavioral, or medical difficulties that affect their ability to participate in the academic community, but that do not pose an immediate safety threat. To make a C.A.R.E Team referral, click on the button below.

C.A.R.E. Team Referral

Student Success Center

Phillips Memorial Library, 2nd Floor
(401) 865-2495

Tier 3: Immediate Safety Concerns

In instances of extreme student distress, simply offering a referral or submitting a report is not sufficient. In those cases, it is imperative to ensure that a connection with an appropriate resource (Public SafetyPersonal Counseling CenterDean of Students Office, etc.) is made. Even if the student will not consent to this connection, faculty should still contact a College official (e.g. Public SafetyPersonal Counseling CenterDean of Students Office) for assistance. In an emergency after-hours situation, when the Dean of Students Office is closed, the following resources are available 24/7 for assistance:

  • The Office of Public Safety: 401.865.2222
  • Personal Counseling Center: 401.865.2343
  • Dean of Students Office: 401.865.1782
  • Residence Life Hall Director On Call: 401.639.9110​
  • Providence Police: 911 or 9-911 from a campus phone

It is important to note that students who are referred to public safety or the HD on-call are often connected with a counselor-on-call.