Quick Referral Guide

This guide was created as an easy reference for faculty and staff who may need to refer students for academic, advising, or mental health support. If the reason for your referral does not appear in the list below, please feel free to contact the Student Success Center (SSC) at (401) 865-2495.

As reasons for referral evolve or become more frequent, they will be added to the list. For a complete list of referral resources, please consult our Campus Referral Resources page.

One of my students is struggling with…

* Attendance
[i.e., the student has missed several class meetings or has stopped attending my class altogether]

When you have concerns about a student’s attendance, you have two options:
Fill out the Student Success Center’s online Academic Referral Form OR

Call the Student Success Center at (401) 865-2495.

* Class Participation
[i.e., the student attends class regularly but seems disengaged and/or reluctant to participate in discussions and activities]

If you have a student who attends your class regularly but is struggling to participate, you should first talk with the student about what you are observing and see how you might encourage more active involvement. If this approach does not work, you may:
Fill out the Student Success Center’s online Academic Referral Form OR

Contact Katie Fernandes (kfernan3@providence.edu or x2679), Assistant Director for Student Success and Retention, who can help the student develop strategies and confidence to participate OR

Make a referral to the Personal Counseling Center or the CARE Team if you discover that the student’s behavior is a result of personal distress.

* Learning/Retaining Course Material
[i.e., the student is having trouble understanding course material and applying it in exams/assignments]

If a student is having difficulty grasping the material in your course, you may:
Fill out the Student Success Center’s online Academic Referral Form OR

Make a referral to Katie Fernandes (kfernan3@providence.edu or x2679), Assistant Director for Student Success and Retention, who can help the student find alternative study strategies OR

Make a referral to Jennifer Sousa (jsousa10@providence.edu or x1010), Assistant Director for Tutorial Services, who can help the student make arrangements for peer tutoring.

* Mental Health Issues
[i.e., the student is showing signs of emotional distress]

If a student is showing one or more signs of distress and you have concerns about the individual’s emotional well-being, you should:
Refer the student to the Personal Counseling Center (x2343) OR
Make a referral to the College’s CARE Team.

If the student is experiencing a mental health emergency, you should:

Contact Public Safety at 401-865-2222 for on campus emergencies OR

Call 911 for off- campus emergencies.

You may also speak with a crisis counselor (available 24/7) by calling the Personal Counseling Center at 401-865-2343 and pressing option 2.

* Time Management/Organization
[i.e., the student is having difficulty managing assignments and meeting deadlines]

If a student is struggling to keep up with the work in your course, you may:
Fill out the Student Success Center’s online Academic Referral Form OR

Contact Katie Fernandes (kfernan3@providence.edu or x2679), Assistant Director for Student Success and Retention, who can work with the student to develop better self-management strategies.

* Writing Assignments
[i.e., the student needs help at any stage of the writing process, from breaking down a prompt to polishing a final draft]

If you need to refer a student for writing assistance, you should:

Contact Will Toner (wtoner@providence.edu or x1758), Senior Associate Director of the Writing Center, who can connect the student with a peer tutor or provide direct support if/when necessary.

One of my students needs to speak to someone about…

* Academic Accommodations
[i.e., the student has disclosed a disability and/or asked you to provide accommodations directly]

If a student discloses a disability or expresses a need for academic accommodations (e.g., extended time for exams and quizzes) but is not yet registered with the Student Success Center, you may:
Contact Molly McKeon, Assistant Director for Accessibility Services, by phone (x1121) or by email (mmckeon6@providence.edu) OR

Contact Jonathan Gomes, Associate Director for Tutoring and Accessibility Services, by phone (x2470) or by email (jgomes3@providence.edu) OR

Fill out the Student Success Center’s online Academic Referral Form

* A Financial Hold or a Financial Aid Concern
[i.e., a student is unable to register or meet the cost of a Providence College education]

If a student has a financial hold that may impact the individual’s ability to register for classes, you should have the student contact the Bursar’s Office to make payment arrangements. A representative from the Bursar’s Office may refer the student to the Office of Financial Aid for further assistance.

If students come to you with other concerns about financial aid or their ability to meet the cost of a Providence College education, you should direct them to the Office of Financial Aid in Harkins 213. Students can call the office at (401) 865-2286 or send an email to finaid@providence.edu. Staff are available on a daily basis for students to drop in or schedule an appointment with their specific financial aid counselor. Students are assigned to counselors based on their last name.

* Missing Classes as a Result of Extenuating Circumstances
e.g., a death in the family, a serious, prolonged or sudden illness]

When students disclose circumstances that may force them to miss your class and others for an extended period, you should encourage them to call (x2495) or visit the Student Success Center. Advising staff in the SSC can assist them in notifying each one of their professors.

* Withdrawing from my Class
[i.e., because the student is in danger of failing]

If a student is in serious danger of failing and may be best served by withdrawing from your course, you should:
Contact Peter Palumbo, Associate Dean/Director of Academic Advising, by phone (x2701) or by email (ppalumb2@providence.edu) OR

Call the Student Success Center at (401) 865-2495.

I need to report a/an…

* Academic Integrity Violation
[i.e., one of my students has violated one or more academic integrity rules]

If one of your students has violated the College’s academic integrity policy, you should:

Fill out the College’s Academic Misconduct Report, which will be routed directly to the Fr. Mark Nowel, O.P. (mnowel@providence.edu), Associate Provost for Academic Policy and Mission Support.

Student Success Center

Phillips Memorial Library, 2nd Floor
(401) 865-2495